Bowie’s Funeral…an excerpt from “Whore, A Sex Worker’s Journey”
It was during this summer I realized Bowie was no longer acting like a three-year-old; he was lethargic and sad. He didn’t want to go outside and play. He would lean on my sister and me, as if he couldn’t hold up his own weight, and wanted to be comforted. I was watching Bowie and […]

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
It was June of 2016, and I was preparing to move to Westcliffe, Colorado to take my first appointment as a pastor. I wasn’t ready, but I took the appointment anyway. Addiction had been a part of my ongoing narrative since I was 9, and in 2016 I was struggling with alcohol and Ambien abuse. […]

Black Lives Matter March 2020 Speech
Rev. Yevette Christy, pastor of Community United Methodist Church, addressed the Black Lives Matter marchers last Saturday at the conclusion of the march, in the west parking lot of Custer County Schools. Pastor Vette’s remarks follow: Good Morning, I’m so grateful that you showed up today, each of you. I want you to know that […]

Nappy Hair, No Hair
This morning, after grieving through a five-year journey with androgenic alopecia, I’m going to get my little afro cut off, well, what’s left of it. Two weeks ago, I completed my second round of follicle transplants, in which the surgeon shaves off all the hair on the back of the head to harvest follicles to […]

An Unfolding Hope
As it was for so many of us on inauguration day I was sitting in front of a screen, with silent tears, watching history unfold, change becoming more than a promise but a moment I could witness, feel, and testify to in my spirit and through my Black flesh. I was intentional about releasing the […]